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The Voice

Level Mana Prerequisites Description Dice Pool
1 - - Imposes "Mesmerized" Condition. Control with short commands. Presence + Expression + The Voice's Level vs. Resolve + Magic
2 Mesmerized Imposes "Dominated" condition. Give long, detailed commands. -
3 - Mesmerized Establish triggers for other voice powers. Presence + Subterfuge + The Voice's Level - victim's Resolve
4 ●● Mesmerized Imposes "Amnesia" or "False Memories" condition. -
5 ●○ Mesmerized Control victims body. Presence + Intimidation + The Voice's Level - victim's Resolve


Your character’s will is subordinate to that of a high elf. You’re not obviously hypnotized — you’re a bit quiet and reserved compared to normal, but nothing out of the ordinary. When the high elf who inflicted this Condition gives you a command, you cannot resist. If it’s something that you wouldn’t normally do, you might look like you’ve been hypnotized or that you’re sleepwalking, but otherwise you look and act normally. If you resolve this Condition, gain a +3 die bonus to resist further attempts to Mesmerize you in the same scene; you also can’t quite remember what happened while you were under the high elf's spell. This Condition fades naturally after a scene, which does not count as resolving the Condition.

Resolution: Take any amount of bashing or lethal damage. Experience a breaking point as part of a command.

A high elf has given your character a specific command that she cannot go against. You don’t have a choice whether or not to follow the command — your will is no longer your own. If your task has a natural end, such as “Follow that man until he enters an apartment then call me with the address,” you resolve the Condition once you complete it; otherwise it ends at sunrise. Once you resolve this Condition, you can’t quite remember what happened while you were under the high elf's spell.

Resolution: Take more bashing or lethal damage than your Stamina. Experience a breaking point when following the command, and succeed at the related Resolve + Composure roll. Follow the high elf's command.

Amnesia (persistent):
Your character is missing a portion of her memory. An entire period of her life is just gone. This causes massive difficulties with friends and loved ones.

Resolution: You regain your memory and learn the truth. Depending on the circumstances, this may constitute a breaking point at a level determined by the Storyteller.

False Memories (persistent):
The way you remember things doesn’t match up with how they happened. You might remember a son who didn’t exist, your alcoholic father abusing you despite being raised an orphan, or never getting married. You believe your memories to be true no matter what; even conclusive proof has a hard time getting through to you. Being faced with proof that your memory is fake is a breaking point for you at a level set by the Storyteller.

Resolution: Face proof that your memory is false and succeed at the breaking point.